Belgium – Heart of Europe.

Belgium - Heart of Europe

We will tell you interesting facts about Belgium in this article.

The centuries-old history, numerous ancient monuments and hospitality of locals have made Belgium the real treasure for travelers. The country is visited, as a rule, as one of points on excursion routes across Europe. Tourists are attracted in Belgium by well remained architectural monuments and castle of times of the Middle Ages, high level of service and the adjusted infrastructure. Of course to travel around Belgium with the beautiful girl more better.


Belgium is the densely populated country in the center of Western Europe, tries to balance between contradictory requirements of an urbanization, the industry by both commercial and agricultural activity. The country imports a large amount of raw materials, and escorts large volumes of industrial goods to EU countries. Brussels is the headquarters for EU countries. Belgium lies on the coast of the North Sea, her direct neighbors are France in the southwest, Luxembourg on the southeast, Germany in the east and the Netherlands in the north.

General information

The Kingdom of Belgium is in Northwest Europe, is located in the territory of 30,5 thousand, the population makes nearly 10,5 million people. In Belgium three official languages: the French, German and Netherlands, namely his Flemish dialect on which speaks to 60% of the population of the country. Over all country English as the second language is widespread. Monetary unit is euro (EUR). Mains voltage is 230 V with a frequency of 50 Hz, types of C, E sockets. Telephone code of the country +32.

Short digression to history

Belgium is a successor of several former medieval powers, it can see confirmation everywhere during a trip to this country. After disintegration of the empire of Carolingians in the 9th century which territory borrows modern Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Also here a part of Lorraine which was later a part of imperial Germany entered. Exactly from here the term the Benelux countries which cover these modern states has gone. Autonomous feudal possession of Beniloyuks were one of the richest in medieval Europe what magnificent buildings in Bruges, Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Leuven, the Tour, Mons and other cities, and the most magnificent girls are on the website.


In Belgium temperate sea climate of which the soft winter with frequent rainfall in the form of rains, and not hot rainy summer. The heat almost doesn’t happen, average temperature in the summer +14. +18 degrees, at the same time snow seldom drop out in winter time.


The most convenient way of movement about the country is railway communication. Trains very comfortable and run strictly to timetable. In Belgium it is favorable to hire the car, here one of the lowest prices of fuel in Europe. One more popular and, by the way, ecologically safe, the vehicle around the city is the bicycle which can be taken in rental center

The most interesting

Brussels in the 12th century became the large center on crossing of the main trade ways of Europe. The English wool, French wines, the German beer – everything carried through this city and Grant Plaz or Grote Markt sold on the central floor space. The residents of Brussel claim that their area the most beautiful in the world. It is unknown what acted as a standard of measurement of similar beauty, but the fact that it one of the finest in the world is precisely.  . Grant Plaz looks as in the 16th century also today. The houses surrounding the area on perimeter, buildings of guilds, peculiar medieval labor unions uniting merchants and handicraftsmen, boatmen, carriers, tailors, dealers in silk, archers.

In the 16th century the House of the king has been erected on the square. This the elegant, precisely weaved from the thinnest stone laces building, is decorated with graceful columns. The name the building has received grain ranks or the House of the king as in the 13th century on his place traded in rolls. Their glory was so loud that many of the European monarchs of gourmets considered it as honor to receive hot Bruxelles croissant by a breakfast. It is curious that in the House of the king for all history there didn’t live any monarch, but the court court was placed here.

The most ancient construction on Grant Plaz the building of a city town hall built in the 15th century. At top of surprisingly beautiful openwork tower five meter weather vane from gilded copper. He is established in honor of the archangel Michael of the patron of Brussels. The building of a town hall is asymmetric: the left part differs from right. Here quite often guides to tourists suggest finding ten distinctions between them. It is connected with the fact that on the allocated money in 1402 it was succeeded to construct only the left part. Finally the town hall was finished 40 years later in the same architectural concept, but in smaller sizes. Excursions in town halls take place on Tuesday and on Wednesday only three times a day in German, in French and in English. The rarity of visit is caused by the fact that the town hall which is still operating. Here the city municipality sits. Tickets for an excursion are on sale only for an hour before and in advance it is impossible to buy them. Time in two years by August 15 all area turns into a flower carpet. 700 thousand live begonias from local plantations in several hours spread over a stone blocks. Its excellent occasion to present flowers to the beautiful girl. Then the area is dressed in medieval standards and on it there takes place the historical procession.

In evening surroundings Grant Plaz looks absolutely in a different way, but also is unforgettable. Today on the square there are one of the best bars and restaurants of Brussels. To eat outdoors – a peculiar habit of Belgians. Probably, in one other city there is no such number of bars, cafe, and restaurants per capita as here. In Brussels it is possible to try all cuisine of the world. What can be better, than Romantic dinner in Belgium? Such tasty French fries as here will hardly manage to be tasted somewhere else. Have thought up her in Belgium in a small village Mus. Modest lunches of poor inhabitants mostly consisted of this dish. The Belgian French fries are fried in hot fan not one, but by two times. It to her also allows being crackling outside and soft inside.

One of the most expensive private apartments are in Brussels on Grant Plaz too. Owners of these apartments flatly refuse to sell them not at any price. But the apartment overlooking Grant Plaz can be leased only according to the personal arrangement with the owner. Grant Plaz is ideal for walk for the whole day, despite the modest sizes, historically it is big. To study her carefully here for certain it is necessary to return once again.

Antwerp located in the north of Belgium on banks of the river of Scheldt, is considered the Europe’s second port for size after Rotterdam. Antwerp literally rolls in bright abundance of magnificent parks, majestic constructions and historical relics, by right being one of the most beautiful cities on the continent. A symbol of present Antwerp is the historical castle  “Steen”, according to researchers, based at the end of the first millennium of our era. His appearance completely corresponds to a medieval image and is of huge interest to fans of antiquities.

Bruges differs in the refined, colourful architecture with a large number of the churches and temples built in Gothic style. The central square of the city is the market square of “Markt”. In the Middle Ages there took place knightly tournaments and mass actions here. Belfri’s palace and a tower the Gaul constructed in 1240 is distinguished from numerous sights of Bruges.

Ghent located on the river Scheldt is known to the world not only the architectural constructions, but also holidays – the Gent holidays, a flowers festival. Externally, the city of Ghent is very similar to Bruges. To some extent it is possible to call them twin brothers.


The hotel of different level with a wide range of the prices is concentrated on rather small territory of Belgium. Classification of hotels official, is based on the basis of the Benelux Hotel Classification System system which obliges each hotel to support level according to the declared category of stardom, from 1 * to 5*. Mini-hotels or private hotels allow enjoying local colors and allow feeling national traditions and features.


The Belgian cuisine is more synthesis of traditions of preparation of dishes of neighboring countries: France, Germany, Netherlands. But even in such small kingdom there are essential distinctions at culinary traditions in different regions which have the features. For example, in coastal regions fish dishes and a delicacy with seafood prevail. Belgium first of all is well-known for chocolate, wafers and fruit beer, here surely it is worth buying couple of boxes of chocolates to relatives.


Besides edible souvenirs from Belgium it is possible to bring various products from Flemish lace (cloths, napkins, articles of clothing). The figurine of the pissing boy is a symbol of Belgium, it is possible to get also various knickknacks with his image. Belgium traditionally is considered the homeland of tapestries therefore it is considered that here the best masters.

Precautionary measures

With the exception of only some areas of Brussels, the country is safe for travelers. Belgians several shy and introverted, but generally friendly to strangers. The highest crime rates in Southern Belgium, but if you do not walk alone at night, and keep track of things, nothing bad will happen.

We hope to you article was pleasant. Thanks for attention.

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