We will tell you interesting facts about Hungary in this article.
- Capital: Budapest
- Population: 10 million persons.
- Language: Hungarian
- Religion: Catholicism
- Currency: forint
Hungary – the country which can be proud of one of the most beautiful capitals of the world – “The Queen of Danube” – the city of Budapest. In Hungary there is the biggest lake of Central Europe – Balaton – is the real fresh-water sea, paradise for families with small children, youth, fans of water entertainments and sport. The legendary mountain of Hungary Tokaj with her unique vineyards, caves and cellars excites more than five centuries imagination of true judges of wine-making art. In Hungary the tale of water of life was born, thanking more than 500 sources having the most valuable curative properties. In Hungary the richness of forms of folk art and traditional parades of riding attract thousands of tourists to Hungary. In Hungary locks, bastions and fortresses, grandiose palaces, ancient churches strike with beauty and magnificence. In Hungary the western choice of goods is favourably combined with east price level. In Hungary respectability of business quarters adjoins to color of towers and domes from tales of Alladin. It is possible to get acquainted with the Hungarian.
Hungary is located in Central Europe in the basin of the Carpathians. The maximum distance from the North to the south – 268 km, from the East to the west – 528 km. In the north borders on Slovakia, in the northeast – on Ukraine, in the east – on Romania, in the south – on Serbia (the republic as a part of New Yugoslavia), Croatia and Slovenia, in the West – on Austria. The area of the country – 93030 sq.km. In the north spurs of the Alps and the highest point of Hungary – the mountain Kekesh (1015 m) are located. In the West there are low mountains Meshek and Bakoni, and also the largest lake of Central Europe – Balaton its area makes 590 sq.km. The lake possesses one more record – it the warmest in the region. Special popularity North Borshodsky karst mountains with the well-known system of caves have got Aggtelek.
In Hungary there are a lot of hot springs which are partially connected with post-volcanic activity.
We advise you to visit the main town of Hungary – Budapest which was stretched on coast of Danube: Buda – on hills, Pesht – in the territory of the plain. The main feature of an architectural complex of Budapest is that constructions of the 15th century harmoniously adjoin to architectural monuments of the XVIII century. Monument of the Holy Trinity, Matiyash’s temple, Fishing bastion from which observation decks the magnificent panorama of Danube and Pesht opens. The royal palace in which several museums are nowadays opened including National Gallery – these and other sights will force the most experienced fan of old times to forget about time and fatigue. We recommend to visit an excursion in a bend of Danube where you will get acquainted with the ancient Serbian cities: Sentendre, Vishegrada and Estergom.
Sentendre is a peculiar museum under the open sky. In his territory there is a set of the museums, among them there is a museum of ceramics, the museum of Marzipan, the museum of wines with tasting. In the former Hungarian capital of Vishegrade excavation of the summer residence of the Hungarian kings is now made, besides you will be able to visit a viewing tower of Sholomon. The city of Estergom – the former capital, the center of Catholic church of Hungary. In him it is possible to visit the Basilica – the largest Temple of the country, and also the museum of Christian Art. The city of Eger lying in the beauty spot between the mountains Byukk and Matra is well-known glorious historical past, for abundance of ancient monuments and wines. Balaton – the largest lake of Central Europe. Water in Balaton gets warm quickly (lake depth only in the few places exceeds three meters) and therefore to bathe in is mute it is possible from spring to late fall. Here magnificent conditions for fans of sailing, rowing, fishing. We advise to visit balneological resorts around the Lake Balaton, their more than twenty.
One of resorts – the lake Heviz, the warm-water lake sated by hot keys. Here it is possible to bathe all the year round under the open sky. Comfortable saunas, mud baths, massage offices, sunbeds, gyms are located in numerous hotels ashore.
Modern Hungary was in the ancient time a part of the Roman province Pannoniya and one of the first has been conquered by the German tribes in the second century AD. After that the country was under the power of Huns, Avars and francs. At the end of the 9th century Pannoniya has been captured by Magyars. Istvan 1 (Saint) in 1000 became the first king of Hungarians, having received blessing of the father Sylvester II. Within nearly 300 years the Hungarian kingdom was independent, however after the Mongolian invasion in 1241 the royalty began to weaken and at the beginning of the 14th century foreign dynasties have begun to rule the country. In 1521 Turkey has begun successful war against the Hungarian king then the country has actually broken up to several rather independent regions and was in such condition of nearly 150 years. At the beginning of the 18th century the power in the country has passed to the Austrian royal house Gabsburgov, and in 150 years Austria and Hungary became independent kingdoms under control of one emperor and in 1867 there was Austria-Hungary. On November 11, 1918 the empire has been officially liquidated, and in five days Hungary has been proclaimed the republic. In the 20th years the monarchy with establishment of the profascist regime of Horthy has been restored, however in 1945 Hungary became the republic again. One of important, though gloomy pages of the Hungarian history, the revolt of 1956 suppressed by the Soviet troops is.
In 1989 the Hungarian People’s Republic has been renamed into the Hungarian Republic, communists are stripped actually of power, and in March-April, 1990 there have taken place the first free multi-party elections in 45 years. Hungary is a member of the UN, the IMF, World Bank, GATT, the Council of Europe.
The climate in Hungary is defined by influence of the western winds and position of the country in a mountain arch of the Carpathians. In winter time of the mountain obstruct the traffic of cold air masses from the North and the northeast therefore here is warmer, than at east neighbors. Winter in the country rather soft, summer long and hot.
Average temperature of the hottest month – makes July 24,7 °C, and the coldest – January of-4,1 °C.
The national culture has rich traditions, however owing to peripheral position of the country in Europe and language isolation is a little known outside Hungary. Origin of the Hungarian culture coincides with the address of the Hungarian people to Christianity at the end of 10 century. In the period of government of the king Istvan I (1000-1038) the state and society have been reconstructed on the Western European samples, the remains of old traditions are eradicated, and any influence of east culture is excluded. Latin which was used by the Roman Catholic Church became “official” language of Hungary. It meant, especially in the Middle Ages that the vast majority of chroniclers, scientists and teachers were priests. During the Renaissance era the Italian scientists and masters of the arts were flown down to the yard of the king Matiash I Corwin (1458-1490) who patronized activity of humanists. In 15–17 centuries there was the Hungarian national idea according to which Hungarians are “a bastion of the western civilization” for protection against an anti-Christian Turkish imperialism. This idea has remained also in the 20th century.
Food and water
Hungary as well as France, call paradise for gourmets. Hungarians eat a lot of meat (mainly pork) with hot spices – black and red pepper (paprika), onions. As traditional dishes of Hungarian cuisine are considered differently made stewed meat in tomato sauce and goulash, known in many countries of Europe.
The Hungarian goulash is the dense meat potatoes soup and small trickled pastries seasoned with onions and a large number of red pepper. Any family holiday doesn’t do without national food – a paprikash (meat, is more often chicken, stewed in sour cream sauce with addition of a paprika and black pepper). The Hungarian delicacy – from chicken and paste from a goose liver. Also Hungarians love boiled fish tomatoes, green pepper soup allsorts and a paprika. As a garnish to fish dishes noodles with bacon and cheese are served. Soft Hungarian cheese – mix of sheep cheese with a paprika is very popular.
Hungary – the excellent country for shopping, purchase of clothes, footwear, acquisition of delicacies, wines, pleasant and useful souvenirs. Traditional Hungarian souvenirs are drinks and delicacies.
Rules of conduct
At a meeting handshake is accepted strong, warm and single (at men). Women shake hands more softly.
Hungarians can embrace at a meeting only relatives, being put slightly by cheeks. “Air-kiss” – in the left cheek, in right and again in left is possible. Hungarians present women to men, seniors – younger. Hungarians are represented, calling at first the surname, then a name. It is desirable that you were presented each other by the mutual friend. It is possible to resort to independent acquaintance only in urgent cases.
During communication you remember what for Hungarians is accepted and unacceptable for discussion with the foreigner of a subject. To accepted it is possible to carry, such subjects as: culture of Hungary (her it is good to study previously); Hungarian cuisine and wine; your family, especially children: Hungarians adore children, take a photo of the children to show to the Hungarian colleagues. However you shouldn’t start talking on personal subjects: work, salary, marital status, health etc.
It is worth being especially correct at discussion of such subjects as the Soviet era; world wars (I and II); relations with Roma.
Hungarians don’t smile as often as Americans. Can not smile also at acquaintance. Hungarians can stand closer to the interlocutor, than it is accepted at Americans. Same-gender close friends can walk hand in hand or holding hands; For gesture of farewell raise the right hand a palm outside, with the pressed fingers.
On January 1 (New year); On March 15 (National holiday); according to a church calendar: Easter (+ Light Monday) and Pentecost (+ Spirits Monday); On May 1 (Labor Day); On August 20 (Constitution day); On October 23 (Day of the Republic); On December 25-26 (Christmas).
Catholics (67,5% of the population), Calvinists (20%), Lutherans (5%) live in Hungary. Before World War II in Hungary there lived about 700 thousand Jews, but now in their country there were slightly more than 80 thousand. And still the Hungarian Jewish community is considered the biggest in Eastern Europe.
Your friends and family will be glad also to traditional souvenirs: ceramics, wooden dolls, woolen products, an embroidery and porcelain from Herend and Kalocha.
In Budapest there is a system of public transport including the subway, buses and trams. It is better to acquire the ticket at metro stations and in newsstands in advance. The ticket should be noted when landing in the bus or the tram or at an entrance not the metro station. In public transport controllers work. It is possible to acquire the ticket for one day (napi jegy – ‘nap йедь’) or the ticket for three days.
Buses and trams work from 5 in the morning to 23 hours. On some important routes – all night long. The routemap of night buses can be found at metro stations.
The subway in Budapest – the cheap, bystry and convenient automobile. Stations are designated by capital letter of “M”. Trains go from 4:30 in the morning to 23 hours. Tickets are on sale in automatic machines at stations. Three lines of the subway of Budapest are crossed at the Deak ter station.
Hungarian (state), many Hungarians know one of foreign languages – English, German, Russian.
Administrative division
The country is divided into 19 areas, the capital – Budapest has the special status.
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